Rich Lord
Rich Lord
freelance artist and animator. Houdini user and how to tutorial maker

Our Pleasures. 2020. Music Video for Plus Device on Hefty Records. Got a lovely Vimeo Best of the Month.


Hesperius Draco. 2019. Music Video for Giallo Disco Records, Alessandro Parisi. Pleased to say it got a Vimeo Staff Pick.


Infection. 2020. Sound by Kreng.

Procedural Architecture. 2020. Sound by Daniel McCagh.


Paper Creatures 2021. Sound by FRKTL

Vertebrae Collection 2021.


Procedural Eyes. 2019. Sound by Daniel McCagh.

Biostrobe. 2019. Sound by Andy Theakstone.


Unity Compute Shader Experiments. 2020. Sound from the wonderful world of 1950’s exotica by Frank Hunter and Les Baxter.


Procedural Gears 2020. Music by FRKTL.


12 Robots. 2006. Maya dynamics sim meet hand keyed mess.


Black Growth. 2018.


Green growth. 2018. Growth solver creeps along the ground to some screeching.


Wave Physics. 2018. Experiment to make sine waves drive motors.


Portal2. 2012. Puzzlemaker concepts.