
Hello! Here’s where u can get tutorials and files from me. These are all Houdini files. Some are free, and some you can get on Patreon. On Patreon I share updates to the collection files, Work In Progress stuff and full animation files. (the free files are also on Patreon btw - there is a free tier). Very soon all the things below will have links or something attached. X!

If you want my Patreon - CLICK HERE and if you want my Discord CLICK HERE


Collection Files

These are large Houdini files, filled with lots of small examples around various themes. I found I had large collections of techniques and ideas that I’d keep forgetting and needing again. And so I started storing it all in these big collection files. Pulling stuff like this apart and making new things is a great way to learn Houdini. Heres a link to the Patreon Collection for these files - CLICK HERE

Rigid Body Collection 

Hip file filled with examples on rigid body setups, focusing on constraints, procedural walkers, motors and other random exotic things.

Siggraph 2023

A file with a bunch of examples of how the music video for Hesperius Draco got made. Dig in!

KineFX Collection

I love kineFX very much, and this is a collection of tricks and tips I discovered as I was learning it. Its still growing of course! Stuff like constraints, poses, using kineFX procedurally etc. are all in there.

Math Collection

Lots of examples of math tricks in Houdini. Vectors, Matrices, Quaternions, Angles, Remapping Values Plane/Lines/Intersections etc etc!

Weird Rigs

This collection file has a bunch of strange rigs. Often made with math or some other random idea. There’s video tutorials for each one on Patreon.

Modelling And Environment Collection

In here is Geometry Creation, procedural modelling, and some tricks for Solaris and Karma.


Video Tutorials

Heres a bunch of video tutorials you can get on the Patreon. I’ve added them all the the collection file Video Tutorials, which you can access HERE

Weird Rigs - Facetted Roller Parts 1 and 2

Modelling - Twisted Polys Parts 1 and 2

Baby Head - Auto Talking Setup

Weird Rigs - Rolling Setup On Any Mesh

Modelling - Building Geometry In VEX

Siggraph 2023 - Broken down examples from the Hesperius Draco vid


Animation Files

These files are full animations or effects all done in Houdini. They are all heavily commented with sticky notes and code comments. And they contain the full render scenes done in LOPs/Karma also. I’ve made a collection for these files on Patreon HERE

Black Growth

A VEX based growth solver. Contains the render scene set up in LOPs and Karma.

Circle Creature

KineFX leg system looping around a circle. This is a fully commented hip with tons of stickies, code comments etc.

UI System

This is a Houdini file which uses the Clip SOP (a lot) to cut up a polygon and make this abstract UI effect.

Hesperius Draco

All the Houdini scenes for this animation. Though I warn you, in this case they are uncommented and unsorted. A few people asked to take a peek at these on Patreon, so here they are. I wish anyone luck who downloads these.

Organic Gate

Fully commented Houdini file with full LOPs/Karma render scene. Uses Vellum for the opening gate animation.


Production Diary

I also keep a kind of video diary for the new short I’m attempting to work on. I generally make 1 a month, but its a bit random. Its mostly when I have something to show. Anyway, here’s, a collection of them on Patreon if u want to join and hear me drivel on. CLICK HERE